Ermenegildo Zegna

Company Details

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4 1 Review

Ermenegildo Zegna

Get verified information about Ermenegildo Zegna complaints email & Phone number. Call 844-609-3462 to make a complaint to Ermenegildo Zegna about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

Ermenegildo Zegna complaints

Ermenegildo Zegna complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number : 844-609-3462

Complaint via Email :

The Complaint via  Support Form : Ermenegildo Zegna Support Form

Ermenegildo Zegna complaint

Tweet: zegna

Ermenegildo Zegna Corporate Head Office address

100 W Forest Ave, Englewood, NJ 07631, United States

How to make a Complaint to Ermenegildo Zegna

Ermenegildo Zegna provide very comprehensive help, support and complaints handling through the ‘help and Support’section of their website including a complaints number on 844-609-3462 (Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm).

There are frequent service information update, forums and an easy to navigate section so you can access the help that you need and make a complaint if required. There are a range of help/diagnostic facilities to help resolve any problems with the service.

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About Ermenegildo Zegna

Ermenegildo Zegna is an Italian luxury fashion house that makes men's clothing and accessories. Zegna quickly gained a reputation for producing fine quality fabrics for suits, and by the end of the 1930s, the wool mill employed 1,000 workers.

Founded in 1910 when Ermenegildo bought his father's textile looms, it is now managed by the fourth generation of the Zegna family and remains in family ownership. In 1938 the Zegna Woollens Corporation was set up in New York although exports were not helped by the privations of war.

Ermenegildo Zegna Stores Number

Aspen: 970-544-4989
Houston: 713-960-0159
New York-Brookfield place: 212-498-9196
Atlanta: 404-736-1010
King of Prussia: 610-337-2813
Beverly Hills: 310-247-8827
Las Vegas City Center: 702-891-8726
Boston: 617-262-0099
Palo Alto: 650-325-2961
Chicago: 312-867-3040
Manhasset: 516-627-1934
New York – 57th Street: 212-421-4488
Costa Mesa: 714-444-1534
Miami Bal Harbour: 305-865-8652
Tyson: 703-714-7332
Dallas: 214-559-4842
Miami Design District: 305-576-0179

Products & Services

Coats and Jackets
Bags & Luggage

People also ask

Where is Ermenegildo Zegna head office?

100 W Forest Ave, Englewood, NJ 07631, United States

How do I contact Ermenegildo Zegna ?

Customers can contact Ermenegildo Zegna via this customer service number 844-609-3462 .

What is Ermenegildo Zegna head Office Number ?

Ermenegildo Zegna head office Number is +12018160921 .

Who is the ceo of Ermenegildo Zegna?

Gildo Zegna is the ceo of Ermenegildo Zegna.

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Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Ermenegildo Zegna Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Ermenegildo Zegna, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Ermenegildo Zegna directly. You can find complaint contact details for Ermenegildo Zegna above.


Contact Information

100 W Forest Ave, Englewood, NJ 07631, United States
Zip/Post Code
Social Information

Author Info

Anthony Wilson

Member since 3 years ago
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Ermenegildo Zegna 1 review

Write Your Review
1 review

    After my last post, Zegna got in touch with me.
    I had already received my refund before this.
    The team’s personal apologies and reactions were outstanding and customer-focused.

    I want to express my gratitude to the management team for their sincere and attentive approach, which has helped me to once again have faith and confidence in Zegna. Well done!

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