Jenny Craig

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Jenny Craig

Get verified information about Jenny Craig complaints email & Phone number. Call 800-JENNYCARES (800-536-6922) to make a complaint to Jenny Craig about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

Jenny Craig complaints

Jenny Craig complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number :800-JENNYCARES (800-536-6922)

Complaint via Email

The Complaint via  Support Form : Jenny Craig Support Form

Jenny Craig complaint

Tweet: jennycraig

Jenny Craig Corporate Head Office address

1220 N Town E Blvd Ste. 110, Mesquite, TX 75150

How to make a Complaint to Jenny Craig

Call the Jenny Craig complaints line on 800-JENNYCARES (800-536-6922). If you need to take matters further, the 'Complaints' tab in the 'Contact Us' section of the website presents several clearly laid out options along with a description of the complaints procedure.

You can choose between postal or online written contact, phoning via 800-JENNYCARES (800-536-6922) or visiting your local branch.

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About Jenny Craig

Jenny Craig, is an American weight loss, weight management, and nutrition company. The program combines individual weight management counseling with a menu of frozen meals and other foods, which are distributed through its centers or shipped directly to clients. Jenny Craig, Inc. was founded in 1983 by Jenny Craig and her husband, Sidney Craig.

People also ask

Where is Jenny Craig head office?

1220 N Town E Blvd Ste. 110, Mesquite, TX 75150

How do I contact Jenny Craig?

Customers can contact Jenny Craig via this customer service number 800-JENNYCARES (800-536-6922).

What is Jenny Craig head Office Number ?

Jenny Craig head office Number is +19726132373.

Who is the ceo of Jenny Craig?

David Pastrana is the ceo of Jenny Craig.

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Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Jenny Craig Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Jenny Craig, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Jenny Craig directly. You can find complaint contact details for Jenny Craig above.


Contact Information

1220 N Town E Blvd Ste. 110, Mesquite, TX 75150
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Anthony Wilson

Member since 4 years ago
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Jenny Craig 1 review

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1 review
  • Johanna

    I enjoy the variety and quality of the meals. It helps to be able to switch things around. The online procedure is simple and intuitive. The Miranda staff is consistently polite and supportive.

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