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Get verified information about Carrier complaints email & Phone number. Call 1-800-Carrier (1-800-227-7437) make a complaint to Carrier about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

Carrier complaints

Carrier complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number1-800-Carrier (1-800-227-7437)

Complaint via

The Complaint via  Support Form : Carrier Support Form

Carrier complaint

Tweet: Carrier

Carrier Corporate Head Office address

6304 Carrier Pkwy, East Syracuse, NY 13057

How to make a Complaint to Carrier

Carrier provide very comprehensive help, support and complaints handling through the ‘help and Support’section of their website including a complaints number on 1-800-Carrier (1-800-227-7437).

There are frequent service information updates, forums and an easy to navigate section so you can access the help you need and make a complaint if required.

Also Read: Budget Blinds complaints email & Phone number

About Carrier

Carrier Corporation is a brand of the UTC Climate, Controls & Security division. Carrier was founded in 1915 as an independent, American company, manufacturing and distributing heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

Products & Services

Residential Systems
Commercial Systems
Transport Refrigeration
Commercial Refrigeration

People also ask

Where is Carrier head office?

6304 Carrier Pkwy, East Syracuse, NY 13057

How do I contact Carrier?

Customers can contact Carrier via this customer service number 1-800-Carrier (1-800-227-7437).

What is Carrier head Office Number ?

Carrier head office Number is +18778661137.

Who is the ceo of Carrier?

David Gitlin is the ceo of Carrier.

Also Read: Flex Seal complaints email & Phone number

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Carrier Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Carrier , or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Carrier directly. You can find complaint contact details for Carrier above.


Contact Information

6304 Carrier Pkwy, East Syracuse, NY 13057
Zip/Post Code
Social Information

Author Info

Anthony Wilson

Member since 4 years ago
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Carrier 1 review

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1 review
  • Eadward

    I’m really pleased with my system so far. Although the cost of upkeep and repairs bothers me, this is more of a problem for the service sector than the product itself. We’ll have to wait and see because my unit is only a few years old.

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