Bob Evans Restaurants

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Bob Evans Restaurants

Get verified information about Bob Evans Restaurants complaints email & Phone number. Call +18666166464 to make a complaint to Bob Evans Restaurants about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

Bob Evans Restaurants complaints

Bob Evans Restaurants complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number : +18666166464

Complaint via Email :

Complaint via  Support Form : Bob Evans Restaurants Support Form

Bob Evans Restaurants complaint

Tweet: bobevansfarms

Bob Evans Restaurants Corporate Head Office address

8111 Smith's Mill Rd, New Albany, OH 43054

How to make a Complaint to Bob Evans Restaurants

You can contact Bob Evans Restaurants by telephone on the complaints line +18666166464 to discuss your grievance with their food and/or experience you have had in a store. The company can be reached via email and post.

Also Read: Baskin-Robbins complaints email & Phone number

About Bob Evans Restaurants

Bob Evans Restaurants is an American national chain of restaurants owned by Golden Gate Capital. Bob Evans Restaurants was founded in 1948 by Bob Evans, when he began processing and packaging sausage for his small diner.

The Bob Evans family restaurant chain includes over 500 locations in 18 states, mostly in the Mid-Atlantic, Midwestern, and Southeastern portion of the United States.

Products & Services

Food service

People also ask

Where is Bob Evans head office?

8111 Smith's Mill Rd, New Albany, OH 43054

How do I contact Bob Evans?

Customers can contact Bob Evans via this customer service number +18666166464.

Who is the ceo of Bob Evans?

Saed Mohseni is the ceo of Bob Evans.

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Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Bob Evans Restaurants Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Bob Evans Restaurants, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Bob Evans Restaurants directly. You can find complaint contact details for Bob Evans Restaurants above.


Contact Information

8111 Smith's Mill Rd, New Albany, OH 43054
Zip/Post Code
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Author Info

Anthony Wilson

Member since 4 years ago
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Bob Evans Restaurants 3 reviews

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3 reviews
  • JOE

    We usually have dinner at this restaurant on Sundays after church. The cuisine is wonderful and they usually try to seat us as soon as possible.

  • David Kowalski

    Monday morninIng 8/7/23 at 11:30am I expected to get breakfast and at my local restaurant located East Alexis Ave in Toledo, Oh. I found the front door locked with a note to use side door. After entering, the staff there was turning away sit down clients and emphasizing only takeout service. I saw this behavior during covid pandemic and do not see any reason to see it now. Take out is substandard food prep and quite disgusting. A quality business stays open for its customers

  • Robert Stetzel

    Thanksgiving Dinner for 4 is a cruel hoax. The picture shows a generous spread of turkey and there isn’t even enough for a few sandwiches. I checked the contents as wellI put them in the refrigerator. The turkey container was full of dressing under a thin layer of turkey slices. I am embarrassed to serve thots little meat to my guests. Thanks for ruining my Thanksgiving dinner!

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