Consumer Portfolio

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Consumer Portfolio

Get verified information about Consumer Portfolio complaints email & Phone number. Call 1 (888) 469-4520 to make a complaint to Consumer Portfolio about their service. They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

consumer portfolio complaints logo

Consumer Portfolio complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number:1 (888) 469-4520

The Complaint via

Complaint via  Support Form:

Consumer Portfolio complaint website:


Corporate Head Office address

19500 Jamboree Rd, Irvine, CA 92612

How to make a Complaint to Consumer Portfolio

Call the Consumer Portfolio on their complaint number in the first instance on 1 (888) 469-4520. If this does not resolve the issue for you, then you should write to the Consumer Portfolio via the online form on their website or by letter and proceed through their complaints handling process. If corresponding by letter, writing to your branch is recommended.

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About Consumer Portfolio

Consumer Portfolio Services is an impartial uniqueness finance organisation that offers oblique vehicle financing to people with beyond credit score problems, low earning or constrained credit score histories. We buy retail installment income contracts more often than not from franchised vehicle dealerships secured with the aid of using overdue version used cars and, to a lesser extent, new cars.

We fund those settlement purchases on a long-time period foundation more often than not via the securitization markets and carrier the contracts over their lives. Our operational headquarters are placed in Irvine, California and we've got 4 extra strategically placed servicing branches in Nevada, Virginia, Florida and Illinois.

People also ask

Where is Consumer Portfolio head office?

19500 Jamboree Rd, Irvine, CA 92612

How do I contact Consumer Portfolio?

Customers can contact Consumer Portfolio via this customer service number 1 (888) 469-4520.

What is Consumer Portfolio head Office Number ? email address to contact Consumer portfolio .

Who is the ceo of Consumer Portfolio?

Charles E Bradley Jr is the ceo of Consumer Portfolio.

Also Read: Bluegreen Vacations complaints number & email

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Consumer Portfolio Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Consumer Portfolio, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Consumer Portfolio directly. You can find complaint contact details for Consumer Portfolio above.


Contact Information

19500 Jamboree Rd, Irvine, CA 92612
Zip/Post Code
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Author Info

Nicole Taylor

Member since 2 years ago
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Consumer Portfolio 1 review

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1 review
  • Sullivan

    I learned everything I required from the website. incredibly precise and detailed. I’m rather happy with the information I was given. My $1 was well spent. I would without a doubt suggest it to everyone. For anyone who needs to acquire a pack ground on a vehicle, all of the information about my car was precise and quite detailed.

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