Get verified information about Kayak complaints email & Phone number. Call 1 (855) 529-2501 to make a complaint to Kayak about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.
Kayak complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form
Complaint via Phone number :1 (855) 529-2501
Complaint via Email :press@kayak.com
The Complaint via Support Form : Kayak Support Form
Kayak complaint website : www.kayak.com
Tweet: KAYAK
Kayak Corporate Head Office address
7 Market St, Stamford, CT 06902, United States
How to make a Complaint to Kayak
Kayak have a complaints line on 1 (855) 529-2501 where you can make your initial complaint. A structured process is in place to handle your issue and keep you informed on a regular basis, and various other contact methods are shown on the website in the 'Contact Us' and 'Making a complaint' section.
Also Read: Disney Cruises complaints email & Phone number
About Kayak
KAYAK, is a fare aggregator and travel metasearch engine operated by Booking Holdings. Its products are available in 18 languages. The company also runs travel search engines checkfelix and swoodoo. KAYAK was founded in 2004 by Steve Hafner and Paul M. English.
Products & Services
Change/cancel reservation
People also ask
Where is KAYAK head office?
7 Market St, Stamford, CT 06902, United States
How do I contact KAYAK?
Customers can contact KAYAK via this customer service number 1 (855) 529-2501.
What is KAYAK head Office Number ?
KAYAK head office Number is +12038993100.
Who is the ceo of KAYAK?
Steve Hafner is the ceo of KAYAK.
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Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Kayak Complaint information.
Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Kayak, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Kayak directly. You can find complaint contact details for Kayak above.
I attempted using the website to purchase a ticket, but I had some questions, so I called them instead. I found the rates and dates I was looking for with the help of the agent “Jonas,” who was really helpful and went above and beyond. My booking experience was excellent.