Regency Furniture

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Regency Furniture

Get verified information about Regency Furniture complaints email & Phone number. Call +1 (240) 607-1892 to make a complaint to Regency Furniture about their service. They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

regency furniture complaints logo

Regency Furniture complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number : (240) 607-1892

The Complaint via Email :

Complaint via  Support Form :

Regency Furniture complaint website :

Tweet: rfcustomercare

Corporate Head Office address

7900 Cedarville Rd, Brandywine, MD 20613

How to make a Complaint to Regency Furniture

Call the Regency Furniture on their complaint number in the first instance on (240) 607-1892. If this does not resolve the issue for you, then you should write to the Regency Furniture via the online form on their website or by letter and proceed through their complaints handling process. If corresponding by letter, writing to your branch is recommended.

Also Read: NFLShop complaints number & email

About Regency Furniture

Regency Furniture is a premiere furniture retail brand that has served the Washington metropolitan area for over two decades. Originally founded and established as a family-owned business in 1999; we have experienced continual growth and expansion because of our amazing customers, and outstanding products and services.

As we grow, we strive to retain the most earnest aspects of our business, which includes providing all customers the kind of personalized and unique experience they would have at small businesses while at the same time having an abundance of different selections and items they can choose from.

Products & Services

  • Financing
  • Pick Up & Delivery
  • Return & Refund
  • Warranty

People also ask

Where is Regency Furniture head office?

7900 Cedarville Rd, Brandywine, MD 20613

How do I contact Regency Furniture?

Customers can contact Regency Furniture via this customer service number (240) 607-1892.

What is Regency Furniture head Office Number ?

Regency Furniture head office Number is +13017823800.

Who is the ceo of Regency Furniture?

Abdul Ayyad is the ceo of Regency Furniture.

Also Read: Bluegreen Vacations complaints number & email

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Regency Furniture Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Regency Furniture, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Regency Furniture directly. You can find complaint contact details for Regency Furniture above.


Contact Information

7900 Cedarville Rd, Brandywine, MD 20613
Zip/Post Code
Social Information

Author Info

Nicole Taylor

Member since 3 years ago
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Regency Furniture 1 review

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1 review
  • Karson Wilson

    With real concern, Joanne , our sales representative, helped us navigate the sales process and offered advice on the kind of mattress we should purchase. We were certain we had the one we wanted once she had finished presenting us with the many possibilities and letting us try them. Our first delivery team returned our king-size mattress because they weren’t sure they could carry it to the second story. When I called Joanne, she promised to send another team so we could set up and receive our mattress. We are both resting soundly since she kept her word. Regards, Joanne

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