Sirius XM
Get verified information about Sirius XM complaints email & Phone number. Call 1-888-539-7474 to make a complaint to Sirius XM about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.
Sirius XM complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form
Complaint via Phone number :1-888-539-7474
Complaint via Email :
The Complaint via Support Form : Sirius XM Support Form
Sirius XM complaint website :
Tweet: siriusxm
Sirius XM Corporate Head Office address
8550 S Freeport Pkwy, Irving, TX 75063
How to make a Complaint to Sirius XM
Sirius XM provide a range of complaint handling options on their website. The first step is to phone the complaints line on 1-888-539-7474 (Monday – Friday: 8 am – 10 pm EST, Saturday – Sunday: 8 am – 8 pm EST). Alternatively, local branches are geared to help their account holders and deal with complaints so a personal visit is an option.
Customers can use an online form to make a written complain online, and there is a postal correspondence option. There is a summary on the website of how Sirius XM will handle your complaint and what communication to expect.
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About Sirius XM
Sirius XM Satellite Radio, is a broadcasting company headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City that provides three satellite radio and online radio services operating in the United States.
Sirius Satellite Radio was founded by Martine Rothblatt, David Margolese, and Robert Briskman. In 1990, Rothblatt founded Satellite CD Radio in Washington, DC.
Products & Services
Satellite radio
People also ask
Where is Sirius XM head office?
8550 S Freeport Pkwy, Irving, TX 75063
How do I contact Sirius XM ?
Customers can contact Sirius XM via this customer service number 1-888-539-7474.
What is Sirius XM head Office Number ?
Sirius XM head office Number is +19727536200 .
Who is the ceo of Sirius XM?
Jennifer C. Witz is the ceo of Sirius XM.
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Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Sirius XM Complaint information.
Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Sirius XM, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Sirius XM directly. You can find complaint contact details for Sirius XM above.
Good experience. An excessive number of advertisements and host promos for paid radio programs. Twice every half hour, about seven to ten advertisements, is a touch excessive. in particular on talk radio. Cut back on the advertisements if you want your listeners to stick around.