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Get verified information about CarMAx complaints email & Phone number. Call  +18047470422 to make a complaint to CarMax about their service. They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

CarMax complaints

CarMax complaint contacts like Phone, email, and support form

Complaint via Phone number:1 (800) 519-1511

head office number:+18047470422


The Complaint via  Support Form: CarMax Support Form

CarMax complaint

Tweet: Carmax

CarMax Corporate Head Office address

12800 Tuckahoe Creek Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23238, United States

How to make a Complaint to CarMax

CarMax operates an easy-to-follow complaints procedure. The first step is to call the complaints line 1(800) 519-1511 on Mon-Fri, 9:00a - 8:00p EST. They say the vast majority of complaints are successfully resolved at this stage. If yours is not, then the subsequent steps to take are clearly shown on the website.

Full contact details are listed along with how CarMax will handle your complaint and what they require from you.

Also Read: Chrysler complaints email & Phone number

About CarMax

CarMax is the United States' largest used-car retailer and a Fortune 500 company. The company executed the campaign and additional TV advertisements throughout several years in support of the launch and the initial wave of stores.

The concept for CarMax was developed by Circuit City executives under then-CEO Richard L. Sharp.

Products & Services

Car retailer

people also ask

Where is the head office of CarMax?

12800 Tuckahoe Creek Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23238, United States.

what is the head office number?

contact the head office using number +18047470422.

Who serves as CarMax's CEO?

Bill Nash serves as the company's president and chief executive officer.

how do I contact CarMax?

contact us using contact number 1 (800) 519-1511.

Also Read: Lexus complaints email & Phone number

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for CarMax Complaint information.

Use below complaint form below to discuss problems you have had with CarMax, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to CarMax directly. You can find complaint contact details for CarMax above.


Contact Information

12800 Tuckahoe Creek Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23238, United States
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Author Info

Anthony Wilson

Member since 4 years ago
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CarMax 1 review

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1 review
  • nichole

    Excellent experience. The 30-day return policy was essential to my piece of mind. Knowing that you are receiving the same fixed price as everyone else contributed to the improved experience, as did the absence of price wrangling. In addition, they were kind enough to repair a few little dings and update the window tinting on the old car I bought. New tires and a quality check are probably included with the majority of their used autos. All in all, a pretty positive experience.

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