Church’s Chicken
Get verified information about Church's Chicken complaints email & Phone number. Call +17703503800 to make a complaint to Church's Chicken about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.
Church's Chicken complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form
Complaint via Church's Chicken Phone number : (866) 372-5246
Complaint via Email :-
Complaint via Support Form : Church's Chicken Support Form
Church's Chicken complaint website :
Tweet: ChurchsChicken
Church's Chicken Corporate Head Office address
980 Hammond Dr #1100, Atlanta, GA 30328, United States
How to make a Complaint to Church's Chicken
To complain to Church's Chicken, contact their complaints line on+17703503800 . They can also be contacted by mail and online contact form if required. Church's Chicken also provide details of independent bodies to contact if you are unable to resolve your complaint direct with the company.
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About Church's Chicken
Church's Chicken is an American chain of fast food restaurants. The chain was founded as Church's Fried Chicken To Go by George W. Church, Sr., on April 17, 1952, in San Antonio, Texas, across the street from The Alamo. The company specializes in original and spicy chicken.
Products & Services
Fast food
Including fried chicken
French fries
People also ask
Where is Church's Chicken head office?
980 Hammond Dr #1100, Atlanta, GA 30328, United States
How do I contact Church's Chicken ?
Customers can contact Church's Chicken via this customer service number (866) 372-5246
What is Church's Chicken Head Office Number ?
Church's Chicken Head office Number is +17703503800 .
Who is the founder of Church's Chicken?
George W. Church Sr.
Also Read: Chili's complaints email & Phone number
Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Church's Chicken Complaint information.
Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Church's Chicken, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Church's Chicken directly. You can find complaint contact details for Church's Chicken above.
Dayle Palmer
On 11-01-23 my husband and I were passing thru Wichita Kansas and stopped at Church’s Store # 11515. We purchased the worst chicken strips we have ever attempted to eat! They were old, dried out and tough as nails. They were not chewable. A young man waited on us at the window but the receipt showed it was “Rosa”.
We called the store as were driving on the highway and they said we had to call Church’s headquarters. The next day I called the headquarters and was told I would be taken care of. That afternoon the manager of the store called and after talking she said she had to get approval from Corp and I would get a phone call that afternoon
It is now 1-31-24 and I have not gotten a solution to this problem. I could very easier just mark it up as experience and go on with life. Which is probably what I will have to do. And never eat at Church’s Chicken again. I was constantly told the problem would be addressed and I would get a refund.
At one point in my many conversations I was told this store is not a Corp store so they had no power to get my problem solved. They gave me an incident # 27103782
Since 11-01-23. I have called at least 4 times and have gotten 4 different excuses!
I’ve had good chicken. Just okay fries
Here’s an award to Churches Chicken—very thick batter, decent food for the price. Try this if you enjoy “Mary Browns” and similar shows.