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Get verified information about Infiniti complaints email & Phone number. Call 800-662-6200 to make a complaint to Infiniti about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

Infiniti complaints

Infiniti complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number : 800-662-6200 

Complaint via Email : n/a

The Complaint via  Support Form : Infiniti Support Form

Infiniti complaint

Tweet: InfinitiUSA

Infiniti Corporate Head Office address

6960 W Frontage Rd, Merriam, KS 66203

How to make a Complaint to Infiniti

Infiniti provide very comprehensive help, support and complaints handling through the ‘help and Support’section of their website including a complaints number on 800-662-6200 .

There are frequent service information updates, forums and an easy to navigate section so you can access the help you need and make a complaint if required.

Also Read: Megabus complaints email & Phone number

More contact number's of Infiniti

Roadside assistance
US Phone: 800-662-6200
Canada Phone: 800-835-0221

Phone: 800-887-5155

Phone: 866-503-3431

Phone: 800-627-4437

Phone: 800-778-4211

About Infiniti

Infiniti is the luxury vehicle division of Japanese automaker Nissan. Infiniti officially started selling vehicles on November 8, 1989, in North America.

The marketing strategy was to target the premium vehicle segments in the United States that would not have otherwise fit in with Nissan's more mainstream image, and partially influenced by the Plaza Accord of 1985.

Products & Services

Luxury vehicles

People also ask

Where is Infiniti head office?

6960 W Frontage Rd, Merriam, KS 66203

How do I contact Infiniti ?

Customers can contact Infiniti via this customer service number 800-662-6200 .

Who is the ceo of Infiniti?

Peyman Kargar is the ceo of Infiniti.

Also Read: Dodge complaints email & Phone number

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Infiniti Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Infiniti , or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Infiniti directly. You can find complaint contact details for Infiniti above.


Contact Information

6960 W Frontage Rd, Merriam, KS 66203
Zip/Post Code
Social Information

Author Info

Anthony Wilson

Member since 4 years ago
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Infiniti 1 review

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1 review
  • Jackson.s

    I had the nicest automobile buying experience ever and would heartily recommend this dealership to anyone looking to purchase a vehicle. Despite having less than perfect credit, I was treated with the utmost respect and they went above and beyond to get me approved. They were trustworthy and honest, and I was able to get the loan I needed to buy my gorgeous car. I’m grateful, Austin Infiniti.

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