NTB Tires

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4.5 2 Reviews

NTB Tires

Get verified information about NTB complaints email & Phone number. Call 1-800-741-7261 to make a complaint to NTB about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

NTB Tires complaints

NTB Tires complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number1-800-741-7261

headquaters office number:+17062035378

Complaint via Emailweb@tbccorp.com

The Complaint via  Support Form: NTB Tires Support Form

NTB Tires complaint websitewww.ntb.com

Tweet: ntb

NTB Tires Corporate Head Office address

2818 Washington Rd, Augusta, GA 30909

How to make a Complaint to NTB Tires

To complain to NTB Tires, contact their complaints line on 1-800-741-7261 (Mon - Fri 8 am - 7 pm and Sat 9 am - 4 pm Eastern time). They can also be contacted by mail and online contact form if required. NTB Tires also provide details of independent bodies to contact if you are unable to resolve your complaint direct with the company.

Also Read: Safelite complaints email & Phone number

More contact number's of NTB Tires

Credit Card Inquiries: 1-888-867-5658
Order tires: 1-866-649-8473

About NTB Tires

National Tire and Battery (NTB) is an American brand of auto service centers. Sears created the brand in 1997 by consolidating the Tire America (TA) and National Tire Warehouse (NTW) brands. National Tire and Battery specializes in Fluid Services, Battery Services and Vehicle Inspections.

Products & Services

Oil Changes
Brake Fluid Exchange
Coolant Exchange
Wiper Blades
Brake Services
Steering & Suspension Services

People Also Ask

Who owns National Tire and Battery?

TBC Retail Group

What is contact number of NTB?

1-800-741-7261 dial number to contact NTB.

Who is the CEO of National Tire?

Henry Schwarz

Where is National Tire corporate headquarters?

2818 Washington Rd, Augusta, GA 30909, USA

Also Read: Goodyear complaints email & Phone number

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for NTB Tires Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with NTB Tires , or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to NTB Tires directly. You can find complaint contact details for NTB Tires above.


Contact Information

2818 Washington Rd, Augusta, GA 30909
Zip/Post Code
Social Information

Author Info

Anthony Wilson

Member since 4 years ago
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NTB Tires 2 reviews

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2 reviews
  • Julian

    Terrance Green at the Webster Texas location gave us outstanding service on our Silverado truck….. he was more than courteous and patient and very thorough. I would like for his boss, Robert Louis, to be notified of my experience as I asked for his name because I wanted to be sure Terrence gets recognition for his amazing work with us. Sincerely, Beverly and Peter Steckler.

  • thomas

    At first, I had a bad experience. I drove my automobile to get the valve stems changed. They were unable to remove the tire due to “low profiles,” etc. However, the tire sensor broke during their attempt to remove the tire. I was informed that the tire could not be removed. but was not made aware of the malfunctioning sensor. Wife test-drove the automobile after returning home. As soon as I heard the tire’s sensor rattling about. Of course, I then made an effort to call customer support. posted two messages outlining the circumstances on the website. Since customer care hadn’t responded, I gave the business another call early the next morning. Request a manager’s attention. Stephen Crawford was excellent when we chatted. He managed excellent customer service and addressed the matter with professionalism. He did an excellent job managing my problem. I endorse NTB only due to Stephen’s exceptional character.

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