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Get verified information about Optimum complaints email & Phone number. Call 888-276-5255/ 866.200.7273 to make a complaint to Optimum about their service. They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

optimum complaints

Optimum complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number: 888-276-5255/ 866.200.7273

The Complaint via Email:

Complaint via Support Form: Optimum Support Form

Optimum complaint website: www.optimum.com

Tweet: optimum

Corporate Head Office address

1101 Stewart Ave, Bethpage, NY 11714

How to make a Complaint to Optimum

Call the Optimum on their complaint number in the first instance on 888-276-5255/ 866.200.7273. If this does not resolve the issue for you, then you should write to the Optimum Improvement via the online form on their website or by letter and proceed through their complaints handling process. If corresponding by letter, writing to your branch is recommended.

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About Optimum

We are one of the largest broadband communications and video services providers in the United States, serving nearly 5 million residential and business customers across 21 states with an advanced portfolio of connectivity services, including Optimum Fiber Internet, Optimum TV and Optimum Mobile.

We also operate a4, an advanced advertising and data business, which provides audience-based, multiscreen advertising solutions to local, regional, and national businesses and clients, as well as hyper-local, national, international, and business news networks through its News 12, Cheddar News and i24NEWS brands.

People also ask

Where is Optimum head office?

1101 Stewart Ave, Bethpage, NY 11714

How do I contact Optimum?

Customers can contact Optimum via this customer service number 888-276-5255/ 866.200.7273.

What is Optimum head Office Number ?

Optimum head office Number is +18884678468.

Who is the ceo of Optimum?

Dennis Mathew is the ceo of Optimum.

Also Read: Bluegreen Vacations complaints number & email

Hopefully, we helped you to get some genuine records for Optimum Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Optimum, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Optimum directly. You can find complaint contact details for Optimum above.


Contact Information

1101 Stewart Ave, Bethpage, NY 11714
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Author Info

Nicole Taylor

Member since 3 years ago
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Optimum 1 review

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1 review
  • Lettie

    This service has never caused me any problems, and I would heartily suggest it to anyone. In addition to having fantastic TV and phone service at an even better price, I have been given incredible internet speed. Since everything is typically normal and positive, I never seem to have to worry about any abrupt or unfavorable changes when I utilize optimal.

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