Pet Supplies Plus

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Pet Supplies Plus

Get verified information about Pet Supplies Plus complaints email & Phone number. Call 1-866-477-7748 to make a complaint to Pet Supplies Plus about their service. They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not, there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

Pet Supplies Plus Complaints

Pet Supplies Plus complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number: 1-866-477-7748

The Complaint via Email:

Complaint via Support Form: Pet Supplies Plus Support Form

Pet Supplies Plus complaint website:

Tweet: petsuppliesplus

Corporate Head Office address

17197 N Laurel Park Dr #402, Livonia, MI 48152

How to make a Complaint to Pet Supplies Plus

Call the Pet Supplies Plus on their complaint number in the first instance on 1-866-477-7748. If this does not resolve the issue for you, then you should write to the Pet Supplies Plus Improvement via the online form on their website or by letter and proceed through their complaints handling process. If corresponding by letter, writing to your branch is recommended.

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About Pet Supplies Plus

Our corporate headquarters and store support center are located in Livonia, MI, just about 15 miles outside of Detroit. Here, we lay the foundation of Pet Supplies Plus®, offering exciting corporate and administrative positions for a variety of experience levels.

As we continue to expand with over 400 neighborhood locations across the United States, we are always seeking positive, motivated and pet-loving team members for management, pet grooming and store associate positions.

People also ask

Where is Pet Supplies Plus head office?

17197 N Laurel Park Dr #402, Livonia, MI 48152

How do I contact Pet Supplies Plus?

Customers can contact Pet Supplies Plus via this customer service number 1-866-477-7748.

What is Pet Supplies Plus head Office Number ?

Pet Supplies Plus head office Number is +17347936600.

Who is the ceo of Pet Supplies Plus?

Christopher Rowland is the ceo of Pet Supplies Plus.

Also Read: Bluegreen Vacations complaints number & email

Hopefully, we helped you to get some genuine records for Pet Supplies Plus Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Pet Supplies Plus, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Pet Supplies Plus directly. You can find complaint contact details for Pet Supplies Plus above.


Contact Information

17197 N Laurel Park Dr #402, Livonia, MI 48152
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Author Info

Nicole Taylor

Member since 2 years ago
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Pet Supplies Plus 1 review

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1 review
  • Anakin

    A wide assortment of pet supplies. The staff is really helpful, and I am grateful for all the services offered. You can get everything you need for pet shopping at Pet Supplies Plus.

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