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Get verified information about U-Haul complaints email & Phone number. Call 1-800-468-4285 to make a complaint to U-Haul about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

U-Haul complaints

U-Haul complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number1-800-468-4285

Complaint via Emailstore@uhaul.com

The Complaint via  Support Form : U-Haul Support Form

U-Haul complaint websitewww.uhaul.com

Tweet: uhaul

U-Haul Corporate Head Office address

2727 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004, USA

How to make a Complaint to U-Haul

You should call U-Haul complaints line in the first instance on 1-800-468-4285. If this does not resolve matters, then further steps can be taken. Further information is on the website along with details of alternative contact options such as contact form, email and visiting your local branch.

Also Read: NuWave Oven complaints email & Phone number

More contact number's of U-Haul

Roadside Assistance

Moving supplies / online store

Moving Help


U-Haul Car Share

Corporate Sales

Roadside Assistance

Report accident or damage


Pay U-Haul Equipment Damage

About U-Haul

U-Haul is an American moving equipment and storage rental company, based in Phoenix, Arizona, that has been in operation since 1945. The company was founded by Leonard Shoen in Ridgefield.

He began building rental trailers and splitting the fees for their use with gas station owners whom he franchised as agents.

Products & Services

Truck rentals
Trailer rentals
Tow hitches

People also ask

Where is U-Haul head office?

2727 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004, USA

How do I contact U-Haul ?

Customers can contact U-Haul via this customer service number 1-800-468-4285 .

Who is the ceo of U-Haul?

Joe Shoen is the ceo of U-Haul.

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Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for U-Haul Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with U-Haul , or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to U-Haul directly. You can find complaint contact details for U-Haul above.


Contact Information

2727 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004
Zip/Post Code
Social Information

Author Info

Anthony Wilson

Member since 4 years ago
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U-Haul 1 review

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1 review
  • Richardson

    I’ve leased from U Haul quite a bit. Whether they are using a truck, cargo trailer, or utility trailer, their equipment has always been excellent. Every customer experience, from the first check-in to the last drop-off, is always A-+++! They always handle connect and release, which I enjoy, and they are always helpful with accessories or safety checks. I have made numerous domestic and cross-country trips throughout America. They are, in my opinion, excellent! Folks, keep up the fantastic effort.

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