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Get verified information about jetBlue complaints email & Phone number. Call 1 (800) 538-2583 to make a complaint to jetBlue about their service.They expect to be able to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage, but if not there are basic further steps to take to seek a resolution.

jetBlue complaints

jetBlue complaint contacts like Phone, email and support form

Complaint via Phone number :1 (800) 538-2583

Complaint via Email :

The Complaint via  Support Form : jetBlue Support Form

jetBlue complaint

Tweet: JetBlue

jetBlue Corporate Head Office address

27-01 Queens Plaza N, Queens, NY 11101

How to make a Complaint to jetBlue

Complaints handling is available on the jetBlue website via 'Customer Support.' The first step is to call on the complaints line 1 (800) 538-2583, the helplines are open from 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If your complaint is not resolved at this stage, the company's complaints procedure is clearly set out along with further contact details such as a correspondence address and online contact form.

Also Read: Southwest Airlines complaints email & Phone number

More Contact number's of jetBlue

Hearing and Speech Impaired: 1-800-336-5530
Central Baggage: 866-538-5438
Flight Information - Arrival/Departure: 800-JET-BLUE
Travel Agents: 800-JET-BLUE

Aruba: 297-588-5388
Bahamas: 1-800-538-2583
Barbados: 1-877-596-2413
Bermuda: 1-800-884-9616
Colombia: 01800-9-156761
Costa Rica: 0800-012-1666
Cuba: 800 52583
Curacao: 0800-0258
Dominican Republic: 809-200-9898
Germany: 0800-6648288
Grand Cayman: 1-855-710-2951
Grenada: 1-8558402106
Ecuador: 800-538-2583
Haiti: 2229-2583
Ireland: 1-800-657427
Jamaica: 1-800-963-3014
Mexico: 001-800-861-3372
Peru: 080051061
Saint Lucia: 1-877-766-9614
St. Maarten: 001-877-306-4939
Trinidad & Tobago: 1-800-538-2583
Turks & Caicos: 1-877-390-5447
All other countries (toll call): 1-801-449-2525

About jetBlue

JetBlue Airways Corporation, stylized as jetBlue, is an American low cost airline headquartered in New York City. A major air carrier and the sixth-largest airline in the United States. David Neeleman founded the company in February 1999, under the name "NewAir".

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People also ask

Where is JetBlue Airways head office?

27-01 Queens Plaza N, Queens, NY 11101

How do I contact JetBlue Airways?

Customers can contact JetBlue Airways via this customer service number 1 (800) 538-2583.

What is JetBlue Airways head Office Number ?

JetBlue Airways head office Number is +17182867900.

Who is the ceo of JetBlue Airways?

Robin Hayes is the ceo of JetBlue Airways.

Also Read: Frontier Airlines complaints email & Phone number

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for jetBlue Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with jetBlue, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to jetBlue directly. You can find complaint contact details for jetBlue above.


Contact Information

27-01 Queens Plaza N, Queens, NY 11101
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Author Info

Anthony Wilson

Member since 4 years ago
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jetBlue 1 review

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1 review
  • Javaughn

    JetBlue is a carrier I adore using. Generally, they have excellent customer service and clean, modern planes, but I find that they have delays 99 percent of the time, which negatively impacts my life.

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